• Address: Bin Zayton Bld.,
    Hay Demashq, Tripoli-Libya

  • Call Us: +(218) 21 360 1387

Welcome to Our Business

About Us

AlBadr shipping agency is one of national companies that provide shipping, import and export services to all customers from public and private companies, individuals, traders and others with the highest levels of services inside and outside Libya.

The company has a main office situated at Tripoli citycenter and is managed by well experienced skillful staff members in the maritime industry , the operations department is available 7 days a week equipped with modern communication facilities system reachable for any queries our customers may need.

مرحبــا بكم

نبذه عن الشـركــة

تعتبر شركة البدر للتوكيلات الملاحية احدى الشركات المحلية التي تقدم خدمات الشحن والإستيراد والتصدير لكافة العملاء من الشركات العامة وخاصة ، أفراد وتجار وغيرهم . وذلك بأعلى المستويات في تقديم الخدمات داخل وخارج ليبيا

لشركة مكتب رئيسي بوسط مدينة طرابلس ويدار بكفاءات بشرية متخصصة ذو خبرة طويلة في المجال البحري والقطاع الخاص . يعمل قسم التشغيل بالشركة على مدار الساعة طيلة أيام الإسبوع ومزود بأحدث أجهزة الإتصالات التي تتاح للزبائن والإجابة عن أي أستفسارات لديهم

What We Do For You

Our Services

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Ship Agency

We provide prompt, efficient and effective agency services to vessels, principals and service providers. From an experienced centralised operational hub, Ship Agency Services’ dedicated team provides outstanding communication and knowledge of ports, commodities and compliance requirements for any Libyan port.

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Owners Agency

Albader is equipped to supports vessel owners’ requirements including crew changes, Cash to Master, storing/provisioning, repairs and maintenance, crew medical/dental and liberty launches. All arrangements are monitored and reported by our central operational hub.

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Cargo Agency

Many cargo owners wish to protect their valuable assets as much as possible by controlling the shipping function as much as possible and by nominating their own reputable and experienced agent in the Charter Party, Contract of Affreightment, or Sales Contract this ensures their interests are protected. Albader are privileged to be appointed in such a capacity and ensure our people are well trained, and our processes well-honed to achieve a successful outcome.

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Offshore Vessel Agency

Proven expertise in the specialised area of Offshore vessel agency means that Albadr can provide advice and action on all issues relating to the importation (permanent or temporary) of vessels and equipment relating to Offshore Oil & Gas projects. Permits, licences and pre-planning are very much a priority for any vessel owner or operator considering bringing a vessel to work in Libya . Albadr maintain an up-to-date regulation checklist to guide and support owners/operators to navigate their way through the many hazards involved in clearing a vessel in and out of Libya.

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Documentation needs including Certificates of Origin, Freight invoicing, Shippers Cargo Declarations, Certificates of Weight, Quality Certificates as well as traditional shipping documents such as Notice of Readiness, Statement of Fact, Letters of Authority, Laytime Statement, Manifests, Stowplans, Bills of Lading, Mate’s receipts, etc are readily available and can be designed to meet individual requirements.

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Shippers/Receivers representation

Where the cargo interest does not have the influence to nominate their own agent under the Charter Party, there is the option to appoint their own representative to protect their own interests in the way of a Shippers or receivers agent. Our experienced team in our operational hub have a combined agency experience of over 40 years across all commodities and therefore fully understand the requirements of acting in a representative capacity protecting our client’s needs at all times.

More of our services

Other Services

  • - Logistic Services

  • - Crew change .

  • - Repatriation of crew , visa &
      transportation to/from airport
      Launch services.

  • - DE slopping.

  • - Repair.

  • - Supplies of bunker fuels, lubricants   & chemicals.

  • - Communications assistance.

  • - Receiving delivering spare parts.

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